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The importance of a healthy breakfast

Without a doubt, the best way to start the day is with a healthy breakfast. What’s more, as the nutritionist Aitor Sánchez of the of Olive Oils from Spain Aprende a comer sano (learn to eat healthily) program highlights, breakfast is “an opportunity to instill good eating habits in the family”.

When it comes to what we can eat for breakfast, Aprende a comer sano offers us some options which we can build into our daily lives. Among them:

  • Bowl of yoghurt with chopped fruit.
  • Homemade fruit smoothies from fruit such as bananas or milkshakes based on yoghurt.
  • Chia pudding to which cocoa or red fruits low in sugar can be added.

And, using the Mediterranean Diet as a base, we could have whole wheat bread with Extra Virgin Olive Oil for healthy breakfast, to which we could add a source of protein such as tuna or egg.

Aprende a comer sano (Learn to Eat Healthily) is a program developed by Olive Oils from Spain and Compass Group with the aim teaching people of all ages and the whole family how to feed themselves well every day, with olive oil as a key ingredient.
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