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Catedra Antonio Unanue
  • The 2023 Academic Awards for the best Dissertations and PhD Theses related to the agri-food industry have been announced.

Promoting business-university collaboration in the agri-food industry. This is one of the main objectives of the “Engineering in the Agri-Food Industry Goya – Antonio Unanue” Chair, an initiative promoted by the University of Seville and Goya Spain to promote interdisciplinary teaching and research activities linked to the agri-food industry that allow the study of the reality, problems, and prospects for the development of new strategies and technologies in the field.

Directed by Amalia Luque, Professor of Engineering Projects at the University of Seville and based at the Polytechnic School, the “Goya Antonio Unanue” Chair is one of the three University-Company Chairs based at the Polytechnic School, University of Seville. As pointed out by the director, Goya’s response to this educational initiative has been very positive from the start: “We presented our proposal, and it was of great interest to them because it is an interesting stake for the development of industrial projects for the agri-food industry sector in general and olive oil in particular. They proposed that it should bear the name of the factory’s founder, Antonio Unanue, who in 1974 opted for quality production by optimising industrial processes.”, indicated Amalia Luque.

Conference Programme

The Goya Antonio Unanue Chair has envisaged a wide range of activities to promote the transfer of knowledge. The “Engineering Projects in Action Classroom Permanent Seminarprogrammed a series of conferences given by specialists from the industrial, research and business sectors related to the Chair’s scope. The first of these conferences, with the participation of Goya Spain’s Quality Director, Antonio Martín, was given by José Juan Gaforio Martínez, Professor of Immunology in the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Jaén and focused on the “Disparate impact of edible fats in the prevention of diseases: A case study on EVOO, sunflower oil and coconut oil”. Professor Antonio Madueño then gave a lecture on “Artificial vision and neural networks in the olive agroindustry”, while consultant Jorge Miguel Marqués focused on “Lean Manufacturing” for process improvement and saving energy in the agri-food industry.

Amalia Luque, director of the Antonio Unanue GOYA Chair, together with José Juan Gaforio, first of the speakers of the permanent seminar, Goya Spain’s quality managers and the coordinator of the Chair, Alejandro Carrasco.

Once the summer is over, the Sectorial Conference will take place at the Polytechnic School headquarters, which will include a conference given by a leading technologist and will allow the activities of the Chair and Goya España to be presented in an environment of special interest for attracting talent.

Academic Awards 2023

Business-university collaboration will also be supported by training and recognition of research, as well as attracting talent. The Chair promotes academic work related to processes in the agri-food industry, especially in the olive sector, and which are of use to Goya Spain.  “Furthermore, the Academic Awards of the Goya-Antonio Unanue Chair have been announced,” says Amalia Luque. “Applications for Dissertations and PhD theses categories will be open until 30 September 2023”.

Access to two base categories (spanish version)Tesis Doctorales y TFE .

In terms of attracting talent, the Chair will serve as a link between Goya Spain and the university. “Our students and graduates are highly specialised, which is undoubtedly an opportunity for the company, if needed. Specialists in the agri-food industry can optimise production processes,” concludes the Chair director. Consultations by mail: catedragoya@us.es

Chamber of Commerce of Seville

We recently received an institutional visit from the Chamber of Commerce of Seville

During the visit, Antonio Carrasco, general manager of Goya España showed the president of the Chamber, Francisco Herrero; its manager, Salvador Fernández; the president of FICA (Federation of Industrialists and Traders of Alcalá de Guadaíra), Carlos García and other members of this business federation, the facilities of our factory and the different projects we are working on.

After visiting our “2 in 1” olive and olive oil packaging factory and with a detailed explanation by our quality manager, Antonio Martín, the responsible of the Chamber of Commerce of Seville were able to learn about the economic expansion projects to be developed by Goya España.

The Chamber of Commerce of Seville “aims to represent, promote and defend the general interests of Commerce, Industry and Navigation, and to provide services to companies. Likewise, it is configured as a consultative and collaborative body with the Public Administrations, before which it presents itself as an institution that represents the general interests of the companies”.

2023 is turning out to be an amazing year for Goya olive oils. Of all the awards won, the Mario Solinas Quality Awards in the Packers Category for our premium GOYA® Unico oil is true recognition of Goya’s efforts. We bottle extra virgin olive oils produced from the best olives grown in southern Spain and bring flavor and tradition to consumers across five continents.

We are sharing some moments from the Mario Solinas Quality Awards ceremony, which took place at the International Olive Council’s headquarters. The Mario Solinas Quality Award was collected by Bob Unanue, President and CEO of Goya Foods, who was accompanied by Goya Europe’s Director, Elías Picado, Goya Spain’s General Manager, Antonio Carrasco, and Quality and Export Managers, Antonio Martín, and Philippe Parouty.

Thanks to the IOC for their hard work in promoting EVOOs and a huge well done to everyone who took part. We would also like to say congratulations to the great Goya family for their unquestionable dedication to packaging “Our Masterpiece”.

Complete award ceremony (english version)

Goya extra virgin olive oils were once again certified with the Monde Selection quality label. The jury of the 62nd edition of these prizes awarded gold quality labels to GOYA® Unico and Organics and silver to Robusto and Extra Virgin. As a seal of excellence, Monde Selection has become the quality benchmark for consumers. This is confirmed by the director of the award, Louis Poot Baudier: “When consumers see the label of the Monde Selection Quality Award, they have confirmation and certainty that they have chosen the very best in its class.

About Monde Selection

Monde Selection is the leading quality institute for consumer products in the world. Founded in Belgium in 1961, the institute has become one of the benchmark authorities in evaluating and certifying the quality of consumer products based both on sensory and scientific parameters. Each year, over 3000 products from throughout the world are submitted to the Monde Selection Quality Awards.

A professional jury of experts appointed by Monde Selection are in charge of tasting and examining Goya oils in a rigorous evaluation process. The jury is made up of independent international experts on the topic, such as chefs with Michelin stars, Euro-Toques, members of the Belgian Mastercooks and specialist food critics.

Premios CINVE

We are still celebrating! On this occasion Goya Extra Virgin Olive Oils won a total of four gold medals in the 14th edition of the CINVE Extra Virgin Olive Oil Awards

GOYA® Unico, Organics and Garlic thus retain their gold medals won in the 2021 edition. In addition to them, GOYA® Robusto, which in this 2023 edition has obtained the recognition of the panel of judges chaired by Anunciación Carpio, technical director of EVOOs.

The awards ceremony, sponsored by the Diputación de Cáceres, took place on 8 June in Madrid. After the prizes were awarded for the different categories (wines, oils and vinegars), the attendees, including the First Secretary of the Peruvian Embassy in Spain, Katia Espinoza Carrión, and other authorities, enjoyed a cocktail dinner with a tasting of the award-winning products.

Congratulations to those awarded prizes!

Thanks to CINVE for these recognitions to Goya Extra Virgin Olive Oils.

Antonio Carrasco

We share the Olive Oil Times interview to our General Manager, Antonio Carrasco, who analyzes the current olive oil market worldwide, highlighting the value of younger consumers.

“Young people are learning more about the health benefits of a healthy diet, a Mediterranean diet,” he said. “We have to develop the product among young people, who are the ones who will demand this type of product in the future; a product that is healthy that is sustainable.”

Likewise, Antonio Carrasco highlights the quality and 100% Spanish origin of Goya Spain’s olives and olive oils as the main guarantees for consumers.

Access to the interview (english version pdf)

energia-100-renovable | 100% renewable energy

With the aim of powering factory operations with 100% renewable energy, at Goya España we have recently completed the installation of solar energy panels.

These panels are located in the parking area and on the roof of the office area.

They are predicted to produce 480 kwh per year, which is an energy saving of 40%.

In addition to the installation of solar panels, further renovations have been undertaken in the factory, with the installation of odor eliminating blankets, the substitution of the fuel oil boiler for a gas boiler and the subsequent sealing of the fuel oil tanks, thus achieving optimum environmental management.

SIOOC 2023

Our extra virgin olive oils continue winning awards at different international competitions and contests. Thus, the first time they were presented in the Scandinavian International Olive Oil Contest (SIOOC), they were honored with four medals. GOYA® Unico and GOYA® Organics both won gold medals and silver for GOYA®  Robusto; while GOYA® Garlic took a gold medal in the infused oil category.

The SIOOC Contest, promoted by Biotech & Process Engineer R. Choucket, recognizes extra virgin olive oils from around the world. Every year, the awards ceremony takes place in a capital of a Scandinavian country. The SIOOC 2023 held in the city of Oslo has recognized a total of 12 spanish olive oils.

Congratulations to the award winners

We are convinced that a healthy lifestyle is essential to make the routine and the rush of everyday life more bearable. For this reason, we want to share with you today our key ideas to say Yes to a healthy lifestyle.

Yes to healthy food every day

Include foods such as fruit and nuts in your diet and avoid sandwiches and sugary drinks. Don’t forget to eat breakfast, a source of energy to start your day. If you aren’t sure what diet to follow, we recommend the Mediterranean Diet, which combines exercise with different food groups in a balanced way (with olive oil as the main fat, vegetables and fruits, legumes, nuts, cheese and yogurt, fish, bread and wheat derivatives and a moderate consumption of wine and meat).

And when you eat, don’t forget to watch portion sizes. Always choose high amounts of fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, and eat smaller portions of high calorie foods which contain a lot of sugar and fat.

Yes to physical exercise

Physical exercise helps to control weight, keep bones, muscles and joints healthy and reduces our risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

It is important to find a form of exercise you enjoy, not just go for exhausting challenges. 30 minutes fast walking, 5 or 6 days a week is enough for a good “tune-up”.

What’s more, physical exercise along with yoga and meditation might help you to stay on top of daily stresses.

 Yes to hydration

Drinking enough water is key to keep our body hydrated. We need to drink 4 pints of water each day on average. But if you are the sort of person who forgets to do this, you can use apps to remind you when it is time to hydrate.

Yes to rest

Sleep is key for our wellbeing. While we sleep, the brain restores nerve networks so they can function correctly when we are awake. it is important to follow a sleep routine and sleep seven to nine hours every night.

Yes to personal relationships

In our personal lives it is important to strengthen our relationships with those who surround us: call your friends, meet up with family, and organize a lunch or dinner with them. Take advantage of every moment that life offers us to share it with those you care about.

This is just the beginning. Now it’s your turn. We recommend putting them into action little by little to say Yes to a healthy life!

Universidad de Zurich | zurich university

Once again, the University of Zurich has recognized the quality of Goya Extra Virgin Olive Oils. Thus, in the Olive Oil Awards 2023, Goya has obtained a total of three medals: Gold for GOYA® Unico; silver for GOYA® Organics and bronze for GOYA® Robusto.

In addition, GOYA® Unico and GOYA® Extra Virgin olive oil have won the “Olio” public popularity prize. As confirmed by the Award’s organizer, Annette Bongartz, all extra virgin olive oils are tested by consumers, i.e., “people who consume the product but are not necessarily experts in evaluating olive oil”. Thus, consumers receive the olive oils at home and can taste them in their familiar environment. At least 60 consumer opinions per oil are collected to provide reliable statistical data. GOYA® Unico and Extra Virgin olive oils are among the 13 EVOOs recognized with the “Olio” public popularity prize.

The University of Zurich Olive Oil Awards 2023 were attended by 119 olive oils from China, Spain, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia and Turkey. 66 of the registered olive oils won medals in the different categories.

Congratulations to the winners.

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