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Goya Premium extra virgin olive oils continue to win international awards. On this occasion, Robusto and Organics olive oils have won three medals in the third year of the Masters of Olive Oil International Contest in San Remo. Read more

Uses of Olive Oil in the kitchen

Thanks to its flavor and properties, extra virgin olive oil has become one of the fundamental ingredients of the kitchen, compatible with all flavors: salty, sweet and spicy. Although its preferred use is “raw”, retaining all its organoleptic characteristics, it can also be used in different culinary techniques. Read more

5 things you need to know about spanish olive oil

Everyday, more consumers are choosing healthy habits in their diet, adopting Mediterranean Diet and extra virgin olive oil as one of their basic foods.

Today we want to share these five things you need to know about Spanish Olive Oil, one of the reference raw materials from Spain, increasingly present in the kitchens around the world for its high nutritional value and premium quality! Read more

esao awards 2019

The Olive Oil School of Spain has announced the winners of the ESAO Awards 2019, prizes to the quality of extra virgin olive oil, where Goya Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oils have obtained important recognitions in three categories.

Thus, in the category “Best International EVOO 2019”, Goya Organics extra virgin olive oil has obtained the second prize, while Goya Unico has resulted second finalist.

Within the category “Best national EVOO by producer”, Goya Organics has obtained the second prize as well as in the category “Best national EVOO of Andalusia “, where Goya Único and Goya Robusto have been second and tenth finalist.

The ESAO Awards are an important recognition to the quality of the extra virgin olive oil. This is confirmed by the technical director of the School, Susana Romera, “through the ESAO Awards we want to recognize the important work of a multitude of olive oil producers and cooperatives who make an important effort to elaborate quality olive oil”.

The award ceremony will take place next June in Alicante, during the EVOO Gastronomic and Cultural Day in Casa Mediterráneo.

the Mario Solinas 2019 Quality Awards

The International Olive Oil Council (IOC) has published the Mario Solinas 2019 Quality Awards, where Goya Único Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been placed on the podium in the category “Medium Green Fruitiness “, obtaining the second prize. Read more

Entrevista Antonio Carrasco sobre cata de aceite - olive oil tasting

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Within the agenda of the recent visit made by Goya España to Goya Puerto Rico, the general manager of the sevillian factory, Antonio Carrasco, together with the quality director, Antonio Martín, offered an olive oil tasting for clients and specialized press.

As pointed out by Antonio Carrasco in this interview, the main objective of an organized olive oil tasting by Goya España is teaching the participants to distinguish extra virgin oil from that which is not, “taking into account that extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest one and everyone wants to consume it for its healthy qualities”.

As the main values ​​of Goya olive oils, the general manager of Goya España highlighted that the quality of the olive oils is maintained 365 days a year thanks to Goya España only uses extra virgin olive oil from the selection of the best raw material that it makes in its factory in Spain. “Consumers can rest, because Goya España only packages the highest quality oils,” pointed Carrasco.

Factory Goya Spain

In Goya España we are celebrating an important anniversary: our factory in Alcalá de Guadaíra turns 45 years old.

Since our beginings, first in Polysol Polygon, and since 1998, in the current plant also located in Alcalá de Guadaíra, Goya España factory has been adapting to market demands, thus facing important renovations and advances in R & D. These include the expansion of the space for storage and conservation in deposits and packaging of olives, the implementation of weight control systems and traceability of production and the remodeling of cooking and olives dressing warehouses.

These technical advances together with the dedication of all of us who are part of the Goya España family allow us to continue working in a determined way to offer the highest quality in our oils and olives to the most demanding consumers in the five continents, because “If it´s Goya … it has to be good. “

Spain is the healthiest country in the world. This is confirmed by the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, which has granted our country a score of 92.8 out of 100 after having advanced five positions since the last analysis, in 2017, assessing aspects such as eating habits, health system and life expectancy.

In terms of nutrition, Bloomberg  highlights the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and the role of extra virgin olive oil in the health of Spaniards, which also influences a lower rate of cardiovascular problems. This is confirmed by the Predimed study, noting that eating habits provide clues about the levels of health enjoyed by Spain, since a “Mediterranean diet, supplemented with extra virgin olive oil or nuts, had a lower rate of cardiovascular events greater than those assigned to a low-fat diet”.

Along with Spain, the Top 10 of the healthiest countries is made up of Italy, Iceland, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, Singapore, Norway and Israel.

In terms of life expectancy, the Bloomberg study confirms that Spain also shows the highest life expectancy at birth among the nations of the European Union, and only Japan and Switzerland overcome it globally. The study also highlights that in Spain for the year 2040 the highest life expectancy is expected, in almost 86 years, followed by Japan, Singapore and Switzerland.

Regarding the health system, Bloomberg values ​​the programs of child health care, women and the elderly, which help reduce cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

Benefits of olive oil for the heart

Recognized all over the world, extra virgin olive oil is not just one of those known as superfoods. As basis of the Mediterranean Diet, it provides important benefits for our heart.

Extra virgin olive oil is a monounsaturated vegetable fat, the healthiest of all, with important protective properties of the cardiovascular system:

  • It decreases the risk of cardiovascular problems.
  • It helps reduce and control cholesterol.
  • It is an important antioxidant: it helps lipoproteins to be more resistant to oxidation, determining for the development of coronary and vascular diseases.

This is confirmed by the study conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women’s HospitalHarvard Medical School y Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, according to which, to take a Mediterranean Diet rich in olive oil and vegetables -and low in meats and sweets-, allowed to reduce by 25% the risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases among the participants, made up of 25.000 American women .

The results of this research, published in the journal JAMA Network, found that participants who followed an average intake of the Mediterranean Diet reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 23%, while those with high consumption of the Mediterranean Diet reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 28%.

Cardiovascular improvement

This study developed in the United States coincides with the conclusions obtained in the Predimed study (Prevention with Mediterranean Diet) carried out in Spain in the period 2013-2016, that confirmed that following a Mediterranean diet helped to reduce by 30% the cardiovascular diseases in the population.

But extra virgin olive oil, as pointed out by the Heart Foundation also brings other added benefits to our hearts:

  • Helps prevent atrial fibrillation (the most common of arrhythmias).
  • Its polyphenols become an important anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic that help protect the body against arteriosclerosis, responsible for a number of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, angina or myocardial infarction.

The keys of the Mediterranean Diet

Extra virgin olive oil is the basis of the Mediterranean Diet. This reference to a healthy diet offers 10 fundamental keys, which, as the Mediterranean Diet Foundation points out, will help us adopt one of the best food models and take care of our hearts.

  1. Consume foods of vegetable origin in abundance: fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts.
  2. Include bread and food from cereals (pasta, rice and especially whole products) daily.
  3. Choosing unprocessed, fresh and seasonal foods are the most appropriate.
  4. Daily consumption of dairy products.
  5. Moderate consumption of red meats and, if possible, as part of stews and other recipes.
  6. Consumption of fish in abundance and eggs in moderation.
  7. Opt for fresh fruit as desserts.
  8. Water is the drink par excellence in the Mediterranean. The wine should be taken in moderation and during meals.
  9. Perform physical activity every day.
  10. And the most important: use the extra virgin olive oil in the kitchen.

From Goya we are aware of the value and nutritional contribution of extra virgin olive oil as the main support of the Mediterranean Diet. Season your dishes with the unmistakable aroma and authentic taste of our extra virgin olive oils. In our section “La Cocina Goya”, you will find recipes with different ways to include them in your diet, preparing delicious and healthy dishes.

Cata de aceite del director de calidad de Goya España

Make known the benefits of extra virgin olive oil as a basis of the Mediterranean Diet. This is one of the objectives of the recent visit that Goya Spain management has made to Goya Puerto Rico. During this visit, the general manager, Antonio Carrasco, together with the Quality Director, Antonio Martín, organized a tasting course for clients and specialized press.

The visit of Goya Spain was collected by different local media. One of them was El Nuevo Día, interviewed the CEO of Goya Spain.

Antonio Carrasco called attention to the “increase in the consumption of extra virgin olive oil, due to the benefits it offers to health”. “All olive oils have the same nutritional value, although polyphenols and antioxidants have only the extra virgin that is the natural juice of the olive and the one with the highest quality,” said Antonio Carrasco.

Likewise, the general manager of Goya Spain announced the launch in this year of Goya Extra Virgin Olive Oil “Robusto”, which together with “Unico” and “Organics”, completes the family of premium extra virgin olive oil.

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